I am delighted and honored to have this amazing and inspirational writer in the Urban Walls Brazil's team! Aries Matheos will be writing about our artists, events and our awesome local Art scene.
Welcome Aries!!
-Aries Matheos-
My name is Aries Matheos and as someone who had their first playdates, independent social outings, and work experiences in Annapolis, I am thrilled to write about the city’s artists which make Annapolis so unique and interesting. Many of these artists have some connection with Roberta Pardo whether they are foreign artists brought to paint in Annapolis through Urban Walls Brazil or are local artists who have painted alongside the imported talent. Even the city’s residents who are lovers and supporters of the arts may have seen Roberta at the many events she attends to advocate for the arts or have at least admired the bold murals she facilitated in Annapolis.
I, however, not meet Roberta in any of the aforementioned ways. As a reporter for the Capital Gazette Newspaper, I was assigned to interview Roberta for a Q&A piece in the Capital Style Magazine for an article about one of Urban Walls Brazil’s first projects. Roberta brought a group of Brazilian artists to Annapolis to share their talents and transform Annapolis’ art district into an artistic masterpiece itself through bold, bright, captivating murals. My first in-person introduction to Roberta and was the district’s first festival, called Art in Action, on September 26, 2015. I was hooked. Hooked on Roberta’s vision, on the artists sheer talent, and on the feeling of togetherness the murals brought the community which gathered to marvel at the seemingly sky-high painted pictures.

Before the fateful meeting which led me to become friends with one of Annapolis’ most outspoken advocates for the arts, I learned to love writing after reading works by many famous authors at Anne Arundel Community College. There, I earned an Associates of Arts with a concentration in English while simultaneously learning to love writing while working for the Community College’s newspaper and as a writer for Bay Weekly Newspaper. I then transferred to the University of Maryland College Park to earn a Bachelor’s in English Language and Literature which further fueled my love for writing and gave me the confidence to become the Around Annapolis columnist for the Capital Gazette Newspaper after graduation. At the Capital Gazette I learned the journalistic style of writing is the one that suits me best and which I love the most because I was constantly had new experiences, learned about new subjects, and met amazing people I never would have known – like Roberta.
After my recent graduation from Johns Hopkins University with a Master’s in Communication, I look forward to expanding my ability to tell stories that need to be heard, like those on Urban Walls’ blog. Many artists, but specifically street artists whose work is stumbled upon by its audience, sparks a knee-jerk reaction from viewers. These immediate emotions could range from joy to anger to confusion, but the important part is that the audience will likely share these emotions with others. For instance, someone who sees a bright bold mural on their way to work, may arrive at the office and say “Did you see that mural on X street? It’s so overwhelming, why is it there?” or “Did you see the beautiful mural that just went up? It really brightened up my drive.” This form of artwork elicits emotions which in turn inspires conversations – conversations which are important for a community to have. I hope my own work with writing also spurs conversations.
By Aries Matheos